This is a collection of assorted observations from my travels and experiences. Many of the posts refer to life in Taiwan where I spent a year living and working. And many others are about my own country, Canada.
George W Bush has been fond of talking about why the terrorists hate the US. He always says it's because of the freedom and democracy that exist in America. I find this thinking of his so bizarre every time he says it. Does he really believe it or is it something his handlers dreamed up? If the terrorists hate America because of their freedom and democracy then why aren't the terrorists attacking Canada, Sweden and Ireland? Why? Because it's not freedom and democracy they hate. It's the American arrogance and imperialism they hate. George W epitomizes the ugly American. Before becoming president he seldom traveled anywhere in the world. He had not even been as far as Canada. He had a very limited, uneducated view of the world. Despite this he is one of those who would readily tell anyone that America is the best country in the world. About 40% of Americans have no health care. Lack of health care is the leading cause of bankruptcy in the US. The gap between rich and poor is widening and not shrinking. You would think if it's the best country the life style of the poor would be improving and not getting worse. Anyone who has traveled in American cities has seen the poverty in the world's richest country. If it were the best country the Hurricane Katrina victims would have been quickly rescued and taken care of. They weren't. Every country has problems. That is to be expected. But when the richest country in the world tries to impose their will on others and they cannot even take care of their own it leads to a lot of resentment.
On the other hand I must say I love the US sometimes. Many Americans are good people and they don't agree with George W either. The good news is he will be gone in two years. The nightmare we've endured for the last six years will be over.