the jimmymac attack!

This is a collection of assorted observations from my travels and experiences. Many of the posts refer to life in Taiwan where I spent a year living and working. And many others are about my own country, Canada.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


People or Fish - what's more important?

Housing homeless people or sea creatures which would rather live in the wild. Which should be the priority for Vancouver? It seems housing the sea creatures gets the priority. The Vancouver Aquarium is about to receive $80 million to expand. At the same time people living in poverty and homeless are struggling to try to get a few million dollars to create some more badly needed housing. It's really unbelievable this is happening. Are the people in poverty not worthy of some help? Are the animals more important? I know what I think but actions speak louder than words. What will the city do? Will the people living in poverty ever get the help they need?

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