the jimmymac attack!

This is a collection of assorted observations from my travels and experiences. Many of the posts refer to life in Taiwan where I spent a year living and working. And many others are about my own country, Canada.

Friday, November 25, 2005


More poverty among so much wealth

It is exactly one week since the politicians tried to sneak through a big raise for themselves and also grab a gold plated pension plan. Funny thing that last week before that happened the front page news was 700 children had died in British Columbia and no investigations had been done. The files were filed away without any inspection. It was an outrage. So instead of working on that the politicians voted themselves a 15% raise.
Today in the news is the story about how British Columbia has the highest percentage of children in poverty in Canada. There's about 23% of the children in B.C. living in poverty! It is an astounding figure. In the country so proud of being in the G8. One of the richest countries in the world. What is going on? Basically I think it is the horribly unfair way the wealth is distributed. Rich people keep getting richer. Poor people get poorer. Focus is put on maximizing profits and efficiencies. Shareholders must get good return on their investments. So what if people suffer?
The only way things will change is if there is a shift in values. I think focus should be put on good jobs for everyone. Business should be there for profit but also to benefit the employees and owners and customers. Everyone should have the opportunity to work and thrive and have a home. Of course profit is good but it is not the ultimate thing to focus on. What good is money if peoples' lives are horrible? I think its the ethically right thing to do. It might also benefit the 'Haves' too. With less poverty there would be less crime and social unrest. It would be a better country.

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