the jimmymac attack!

This is a collection of assorted observations from my travels and experiences. Many of the posts refer to life in Taiwan where I spent a year living and working. And many others are about my own country, Canada.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Hello Toronto, good-bye

I've spent the past two months in Toronto. I was born in Toronto and have lived most of my life here. In fact I've spent too much time here and I now find it very boring. I'm familiar with every nook and cranny and its just not very interesting anymore.
Toronto would be a great city if they ever finished it. Even in the downtown area there are vacant lots and parking lots. There are always buildings in various stages of construction. They seem to take forever to build like they are in no hurry. In fact they are not in a hurry. One building was started and then stopped and only the foundation sits there right in the middle of the business district. Another site at the corner of Yonge and Dundas has had construction hoardings around it for about five years. They finally started construction just last year.
Then there are acres and acres of empty property on the outskirts of downtown. There are plans to build on it but it will be twenty years before its done. Maybe in fifty years Toronto will blossom, hopefully. Not that I wish to see more and more buildings but the land could also become parks or housing.
Which brings me to the next most striking thing about Toronto. Homelessness. Why does Canada's largest, richest city have people lying on the sidewalks and sleeping on the streets. You'll see someone at the corner of King & Bay lying on the sidewalk covered by a sleeping bag in the winter. At the same corner where many millionaires and billionaires have their offices. And everyone walks by like it is ok. The people and government do not care. Actions speak louder than words. If they cared they would house everybody. But year after year nothing changes. Street people die or move on but others replace them. They are not housed or counselled or helped in any significant way. The same old story continues.
So good bye Toronto. I cannot change you so I will change what I can - my place to live. Good luck! I'm sure we'll meet again... don't know when.

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