This is a collection of assorted observations from my travels and experiences. Many of the posts refer to life in Taiwan where I spent a year living and working. And many others are about my own country, Canada.
In the world of teaching and learning language there is what is known as 'language exchange'. So many people want to learn English here that some will go to great lengths to learn. Being an English teacher means there are a lot of people wishing to and willing to talk to you. Not necessarily because you are a charming, witty person but because you speak English. And it works both ways. I love to talk to Taiwanese people to learn about their culture and sometimes learn a little Chinese too. For several months I've done language exchange with 3 or 4 students. There is usually four of us at a 'Chinese class'. We meet in a restaurant and have dinner and talk for about 2 hours. Basically it's just hanging out to me but the focus is on language. These marvelous people have become my friends and helped me to go from 'hello' to 'may I have a steak please'. It is a huge leap for me. And I have helped them to learn useful words like 'escalator, sniffles, tea pot, and pepper'. It's been fun and interesting. Thank you my language exchange friends!