This is a collection of assorted observations from my travels and experiences. Many of the posts refer to life in Taiwan where I spent a year living and working. And many others are about my own country, Canada.
I love the Taiwanese people. Well that is a little strong I guess. But I do like them. I like a lot of them. Everywhere in the world I think most people are good. That includes Taiwan of course. Certainly there are some bad ones but I think for the most part the Taiwanese are hard working, honest people. They wish to do better, help their families and live happy lives. Why not? It's just what most people around the world want. Bless them. Some of the nicest, kindest people I've ever met have been here in Taiwan. The good ones will do almost anything for you. Sometimes I feel like I traded a big, modern English speaking city for a big, modern Chinese speaking city. Many things are the same or very similar. When coming over I brought a certain toilet supply I thought might be hard to find. I got here and not only found the product but actually found the identical brand in the same packaging. The only difference is the package has Chinese writing. People are people. They go to work, commute, shop, spend time with their kids. The teenagers hang out, listen to music on their MP3 players and horse around on the buses and subway. That is life in the 21st century. The world is shrinking. We English speaking people here are so spoiled. Hollywood movies come out here when they are released in America. And they are shown exactly like home except they have Chinese subtitles. So here in Taiwan I get to watch the movie and listen while everybody else in the audience must read the subtitles. Taiwan is great! I love it.