This is a collection of assorted observations from my travels and experiences. Many of the posts refer to life in Taiwan where I spent a year living and working. And many others are about my own country, Canada.
In Asia you will find a lot of mangled English obviously written by people who are not fluent in English. It is everywhere. It always makes me wonder why they did not give an English speaking person a few dollars and get it done right. I'm not talking about whole books or newspaper articles. They are usually ok because they are written by professionals. I mean short lines on signs. It might be only three or four words but they manage to get it wrong. In the past two days in book stores I saw some good ones. In one store every section is labeled in Chinese and English although they do not have English books and probably one customer in 10,000 speaks English. So while looking for a book on travel I came across the 'Musick' section. I guess it is books on music to make you ill.
Tonight in another book store I saw a book with the large English title, "you must reading this book". Why I must reading this book I have no idea. The only English in the book was the title. The book is totally in Chinese. Now these are book publishers. People who should care about words. And if they are publishing books don't they have access to someone who speaks English so they get the book title correct? One of my theories is people who speak poor English are fooling people who speak no English. And the ones who speak no English don't know the difference.
I should not complain but I will anyway. If history had been different they could be using mangled Portuguese or German or French. But English is the most desired second language here and for people like me it is fantastic. Another practice that drives me crazy is their habit of putting English on the covers of books and magazines. Why do they do that? There is almost no English inside. So why put English on the cover? What purpose does it possibly serve? The only answer I can think of is they think English is cool and it helps to sell magazines and t shirts. Chalk up another one for us anglos.