the jimmymac attack!

This is a collection of assorted observations from my travels and experiences. Many of the posts refer to life in Taiwan where I spent a year living and working. And many others are about my own country, Canada.

Sunday, May 29, 2005


Jackie Chan

I like Jackie Chan movies such as Rush Hour. He is a funny and talented guy. But my opinion of him took a jump in admiration recently. He said he would not visit Taiwan for four years because his presence would probably cause a disturbance at the airport. I'm sure it would. Some time back he said the last Taiwanese election was a joke. Now recently there's been calls in Taiwan to boycott his movies. In Taiwan if you're not for them you are against them. So they do not like Jackie now. This is despite the fact that he's done a lot of things for Taiwan and in Taiwan. He even married a Taiwanese woman! But here it is always, "what have you done for me lately". The day this news was in the paper there was another item on the same page. Some Taiwanese politicians were in Geneva to attend World Health organization meetings. Politicians would always rather fly to far off places than work in their offices. Two female Taiwanese politicians had a fight in Geneva and one slapped the other! Wow! Now why wouldn't WHO take Taiwan seriously and make them an official member? While at the Health organization meeting one bitch slaps the other over some perceived insult. So they returned to Taiwan and one is suing the other. That is Taiwan. Jackie is right. Better stay away for a few years. Maybe they'll get their frustration and aggression out and grow up.

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